



This is the stuff you don't want to know

This is the stuff you don't want to know

Tuesday 22 November 2016

What The Hell Is Distance Healing ?

  • A person sits down to meditate
  • Then sends positive  thoughts to someone they have been in contact with who needs to get well
  • That  is it
This works so well for some Healers, that it is their full-time job
  • Some  accept donations others will  charge a fee
I  have read of one professional Distance Healer who was paid an air fare to fly from New Zealand to England to do contact healing. While he was there he also  looked at some crop circles , and had a slideshow event that 20 people turned up to .

There is a misconception,  (thanks to the media) that success will always get you well known. It  is a good thing that this is not  so.